Princess Mo Ran

The golden treasure bag was so light that it felt like it had no weight. It was like stroking the skin of a teenage girl when holding it in hand.


Zhang Ruochen infused Holy Qi into the golden treasure bag, and then, it started to gleam with golden light. There seemed to be water engravings flowing on the surface of the bag, and a small hole emerged.

Zhang Ruochen slipped a trace of his mind power into the bag.

And then, he guffawed because of exhilaration. He had searched high and low only to find it when he least expected to.

The inner space of the golden treasure bag was vast. It was far huger than the space ring made by Zhang Ruochen. There were quite a few treasures inside the bag, including divine stones, divine jades and divine pills. Whatever Zhang Ruochen wanted, it was inside the bag. Zhang Ruochen couldn't even count how many treasures there were inside.

The entire treasury of Blue Dragon Dynasty was in that bag.