Seal Blood Stamp

"Who tore it?"

Was it the leader of Guarding Dragon Pavilion? Or the grey-robed elder? Who else saw this book before? What were they trying to hide?

Zhang Ruochen frowned, but he couldn't figure out the reasons behind this. He had to put it aside and stop thinking about it.

Zhang Ruochen began to learn some of the knowledge of 'Vampire Secrets.' He did this because he wanted to know how to identify immortal vampires and some skills to fight againt them.

Seal Blood Periapt.

One of the methods to deal with immortal vampires was to use Seal Blood Periapt.

When Seal Blood Stamp was stuck on their bodies, it could suppress the bloody Qi inside their fight, rendering them defenseless.

There were four stamps on one piece of the paper in 'Vampire Secrets.' He could draw the Seal Blood Stamps based on the engravings of the stamps.

The stamps were different from each other, and each one was more complicated and mysterious than the last.