Temptation Of A Saintly Source

Ji Shui's body scattered into 12 beams of bloody Qi and flew out of Secret Dragon Palace.

"We haven't started talking yet. Senior Uncle Ji, are you leaving?"

Zhang Ruochen reached forward with his fingers splayed. The Spiritual Qi within Secret Dragon Palace suddenly consolidated. An invisible beam of Qi blew the 12 beams of bloody Qi back. They regrouped into Ji Shui's body.

She landed on the ground a bit unsteadily and almost fell to the ground.


A figure flashed.

Like an apparition, Zhang Ruochen appeared beside Ji Shui. He grabbed her right wrist with one hand and wrapped around her thin waist with his other. He easily steadied her with a soft push.

He had to admit that Ji Shui's skin was very fine and her wrist was soft. Her thin waist was filled with elasticity too. It fit perfectly into Zhang Ruochen's palm.


Ji Shui's body was numb as if shocked by electricity.