Huge Battle in Son King Palace

Few martial arts saints could refine their mind power to over level fifty.

Although Zhang Ruochen's martial arts level was nothing compared to that of Discipline King Diyuan, his mind power was way stronger than that of Discipline King Diyuan.

Zhang Ruochen sneaked into Son King Palace and came to right outside Nine Dragon Lock Sky Formation.

Discipline King Fayuan was sitting at the center of the formation. His neck, arms, feet and waist were all entwined by a dragon-shaped chain. Normal saints wouldn't even be able to move their bodies.

As for Discipline King Diyuan, there was forceful Holy Qi gushing out of his body, permeating the entire Son King Palace with white mist.

Twelve human phantoms stood in the holy Qi white mist, standing in twelve directions around Discipline King Diyuan.

They looked like twelve guarding angels.