Beautiful Princess

The two corpses turned into two huge broken pieces of dragon corpses. They plopped into the river.

Two Dragon Saints had both died.

Zhang Ruochen collected their weapons—the Thunder God Tripod and Dragon Bone Spear. Then he descended from the sky. He landed on a 300-meter-long dragon corpse fragment and dug out a black dragon pearl.

It was able to change in size.

Sizzle, sizzle.

Right then, the dragon pearl shrunk to the size of a man's head. Zhang Ruochen held it in his hand with strands of electricity flowing over it.

Blackie climbed out of Zhang Ruochen's sleeve. Staring at the dragon pearl, it said, "A Dragon Saint's pearl is a priceless treasure. When you create a saintly source and enter the lower Saint Realm, you can absorb this dragon pearl. It'll be worth decades of hard work. You'll be able to reach the pinnacle of the lower Saint Realm in a few days."

"It's that powerful?"