Black Demon Millstone

Seventeen ice mountains in total were scattered about the sea surface. The Crazy Alcoholic stood on one.

A beautiful female corpse lay beside his feet. She had a purple dress and a vertical eye on her forehead. She'd died years ago in the Abandoned Deep Sea, but her skin was still snowy white. It hadn't decayed at all.

"So beautiful. What did I do to deserve you? But since I ran into you, I can't let you go."

The Crazy Alcoholic was extremely excited. His wrinkly old hands reached out, trembling, and undid the corpse's shirt. A patch of fine skin was exposed. Then he grabbed the pendant on the corpse's neck and pulled it off.

The pendant was a small jade flower with three petals. It had nine rings of green saintly light. It was beautiful, like a green lantern shining in the darkness.