Break the Ice

Kaiyuan Deer Cauldron was floating in front of the iceberg. It kept spinning like a small mountain.

Hong Long.

Qi Sheng, Motian Crown Prince and Sky-swallowing Demonic Dragon kept using their attack techniques, saint spells, saint weapons. They clashed with the golden ancient characters, but they couldn't knock the ancient characters away, not to mention touch Kaiyuan Deer Cauldron.

Behind Kaiyuan Deer Cauldron, Zhang Ruochen seized this chance to swallow a spring pill. He then moved to the iceberg and pressed down.

Two clusters of divine fire gushed out of his palms, which melted the icebergs.

"Wait till I save you both."

Zhang Ruochen and Huang Yanchen gave each other a look. One of them was outside, while the other was trapped in the iceberg. They got closer and closer as if time had been frozen at this moment.