Fortunes Turn Like a Wheel

"Jinfu giant pythons are upper-class level-seven savage beasts, and they're extremely rare. An adult Jinfu giant python has the power to rival a Heaven Pass saint, and they have poison in their bodies. The poisonous mist can harm even a true saint."

Zhang Ruochen walked forward, stepping on the leaves while explaining the creatures.

Qing Mo was so scared that her face turned pale and her legs kept shaking. She didn't dare go into the woods at all.

Zhang Ruochen suddenly stopped walking and looked off toward somewhere in the woods. He murmured, "Immortal vampires."


Zhang Ruochen let out mind power and mobilized spiritual Qi, condensing a large oval cocoon that was translucent, covering him and Qing Mo.

The translucent cocoon was rolling in the woods and merged with his surroundings, rushing toward where the immortal vampires were.

After a short while, Zhang Ruochen and Qing Mo saw an immortal vampire at the river shore.