Pre-Sword Saint

Martial Saint Canglan grunted softly. Holy Qi circulated furiously within her. The fiery wings on her back grew even hotter. Her slender frame was like a burning sun.

She really did attack Blood Saint Sijian.

On the other hand, the six Saintesses stood in six directions, going into a sword formation again. Six beams of light burst out of them, attacking Blood Saint Miefeng.

"You think you can fight against me?"

Blood Saint Miefeng laughed uproariously. He opened his arms and a furious windstorm appeared between his hands. Then he pressed forward. Chaotic force like a wild storm crashed against the sword formation.


The difference in cultivation was too large. The sword formation shattered in an instant. The six Saintesses flew out like falling leaves. They were all injured.

Blood Saint Miefeng laughed, revealing two rows of sharp teeth. He walked toward two Saintesses. He picked them up from the ground.