Kill A Heaven Pass Blood General

Demonic Qi and blood Qi kept clashing with each other in Fengyue City. Rumbling sounds kept being spread, and large areas of the city sank underground.

Qi Zhenhuan yelled, "How dare you be so reckless? The fight has just begun."

"Give me power, Ten Saints Blood Armor."

"Help me kill my enemies, life-ending blood slaves."

Qi Zhenhuan activated a Ten Saints Blood Armor, which covered his entire body. And then, ten saint shadows rushed out of the armor, standing in ten different directions around him, giving out ten balls of gleaming divine light.

There were four levels of the power of Ten Saints Blood Armors: imitated power of ten saints, lower-class power of ten saints, mid-class power of ten saints, and upper-class power of ten saints.

The higher the user's cultivation was, the more power of Ten Saints Blood Armor he could utilize.