Arrest The Rebels

The Ziwei Palace was gold and dazzling. Like scales, the layer after layer stretched for 500 miles. It was like a divine palace in the heavens.

Martial Saint Canglan radiated with a red saintly halo. It seemed that fire was burning on her beautiful body. Her slender fingers held a communication rune as she murmured, "This man has the guts to come to the Central Emperor City."


After crushing the communication rune, Martial Saint Canglan stood up. She paced back and forth. A moment later, she got an idea and walked toward the military camp guarding the seventh region.

The general of the seventh region was Lin Yun. His cultivation was at the pinnacle of the Heaven Pass Realm. He was seventh of the generals of all the regions. His combat abilities were like a Heaven Pass Blood General's.

In the military, Lin Yun was from the Wan Family.

Seeing Martial Saint Canglan, Lin Yun's true form walked out to welcome her. "Greetings, Second Lady."