Heaven Pass River

More than ten saints who had reached pinnacle Absolute Ground Realm gathered outside Heaven Pass Cave. They all prepared to refine in this cave so that they could reach Heaven Pass Realm.

All the monks were quiet, and they were waiting with their eyes closed.

Zhang Ruochen showed the jade token of Supreme Saint Manjian to the elder guarding the cave, then, he walked to the other side and waited.

The elder guarding the cave said, "Heaven Pass Cave is officially open. There're only three spots in the cave, and you're only qualified to refine here after you occupy a spot."


Suddenly, all the Absolute Ground saints rushed into Heaven Pass Cave as fast as possible.

Zhang Ruochen wasn't in a rush at all. He walked slowly through the gate.

The elder guarding the cave was confused. There were only three spots in the cave, and everyone was rushing inside as quickly as possible. Why isn't that kid in a rush?