Emperor Jimie

Supreme Saint Manjian walked out of Red Dragon Saint Palace. The saint Qi started to shake as if it was being boiled.

"Supreme saint."

All the saints standing outside Red Dragon Saint Palace bowed toward Supreme Saint Manjian. As for those lower-level saints and half saints, they were all kneeling down.

Supreme Saint Manjian shot a glance at the rays of evening light and said, "Let's go."

And then, Supreme Saint Manjian took out an airship that was only as large as a palm and waved his arm. The airship flew out, floating in the sky.


A golden airship engulfed in saint light showed up in front of all the saints.

It looked like a lying golden ox that was three thousand feet long, and there were supreme saint inscriptions flowing on the surface of the airship.

The golden airship seemed to be a living being as it was breathing saint Qi in a regular way.