Priest Competition

A deity should not be offended.

This was a deep-rooted view in all beings.

Now, they had to offend a deity in order to fight for the priest's position. This made the hearts of all the Saints tremble.

But Zhang Ruochen didn't feel any hesitation. With a Luan and phoenix's shadow appearing under his feet, he rushed out quickly.

The remaining 11 True Saints froze. Then they also used their fastest speed to charge toward Guanghan Divine Palace.

"That saint sword is mine. No one can fight with me."

Ji Kongpo's feet stepped on two Kun shadows. His speed was actually faster than Zhang Ruochen and soon surpassed him.

In addition, Su Qingling and Ling Mi were extremely fast too. They left later but arrived sooner and were almost at the same level as Ji Kongpo.

After all, Zhang Ruochen was only in the beginning of the Heaven Pass Realm. Compared to the top prides of Guanghan Field, he had no advantage in speed.