First Encounter With The Luosha (2)

Around 1,000 miles from land, there was a wall of light from a world. When Zhang Ruochen went through it, an explosion sounded in his chest.


An invisible force shattered the Saint Image Rune that Yan Liren had given him.

I really can't bring things like Saint Image Runes onto the merits battlefield.

Zhang Ruochen didn't find it too regrettable. After all, that Saint Image Rune had already become tattered. He could only use it once or twice more at most.

Right now, Zhang Ruochen was observing where Mu Lingxi was.

The distance between them kept expanding. They were already 100,000 miles apart. He couldn't detect her location even with Spiritual Power.

He could only estimate that Mu Lingxi was southeast of him. They'd also both fallen in the southern world of Zuling Field.

The Saints of the Shatuo Seven Fields were attacked from the ground as soon as they passed the wall of light.
