Pluto Ice Jade Scorpion

Mu Lingxi, Luosha Princess, Qing Mo, Su Qingling, and Bu Ji all followed Zhang Ruochen toward the 99 saint mountains. An ancient mountain loomed before them. It was shaped like a turtle and radiated with a strong icy aura.

Bu Ji gazed up at the snow that kept falling from the sky. It felt strange. After all, another mountain was spewing fire hundreds of miles away.

One cold and one hot, they were unpredictable.

"Will we really be able to reach the merits record wall by entering this saint mountain?" Bu Ji asked.

"If we want to know the answer, we have to enter the mountain first."

Holding the Abyss Ancient Sword, Zhang Ruochen walked at the front.

He released his Spiritual Power and kept alert, wary of any unknown dangers.

The ancient saint mountain was shrouded by a mysterious power. The further they went, the more densely packed the rules were. An invisible force also fell upon them, making their pressure greater and greater.