She Is A Demon

Zhang Ruochen and Princess Luosha's bodies hovered in the sky. Their feet were about a yard above the ground and they moved forward together.

Divine Fire Jingmie and Nanling Dragon Fire poured out of Zhang Ruochen and Princess Luosha respectively. The two types of fire were extremely terrifying, but they controlled it precisely. They used the fire only to melt the ice on either side of the gorge without activating the Supreme Saint runes.

While moving forward, Princess Luosha's demonic eyes shone with rings of dark red light. She was studying the carvings on the stone wall.

Zhang Ruochen guessed Princess Luosha's intentions. Using Spiritual Power for a telepathic message, he said, "A Saint won't be able to understand a Supreme Saint's mind world. A Saint won't be able to understand a Supreme Saint's carvings within a short period either."