
Luosha armies had all retreated and left the south of the saint mountains.

However, the saints from Purple Mansion Field, Blade Hell Field and Kunlun's Field didn't let their guard down, instead, they stationed some of their saints in the south to prevent Luosha armies from coming back.

Some of the saints walked toward Zhang Ruochen and Princess Luosha, ready to accuse them of their wrongdoings.

"Get the hell out, Zhang Ruochen," Xu Zehai yelled.

Xu Zehai was a half-step saint king from Purple Mansion Field, and he was more than seven hundred years ago. Dragon and tiger Qi permeated from him as he walked.

Sword Master Dongliu was healing, so Xu Zehai was temporarily the leader of Purple Mansion Field.

Zhang Ruochen sat in the space formation and said calmly, "Who are you?"

"Xu Zehai from Purple Mansion Field."

"How dare you offend me? I'll kill you now."