Princess Luosha’s Tricks


Zhang Ruochen grabbed Chu Siyuan's shirt and dragged him away as fast as he could.

There was no guarantee that 'Golden Iron Horse Picture' was able to ward off the Huang Python King Rune. Even a trace of saint Qi from the rune was able to kill Chu Siyuan given how weak his body was.

Zhang Ruochen didn't put Chu Siyuan down until they were far. He then looked to Princess Luosha.

Princess Luosha rushed toward the Merits Record Wall.

"She's trying to seize the Merits Record Wall?"

Zhang Ruochen then performed spatial move, teleporting himself thousands of feet away and showing up right behind Princess Luosha.

He then wielded the Abyss Ancient Sword toward Princess Luosha.

A circle of saint Qi ripple gushed out of the sword, turning into hundreds of traces of sword Qi.

Princess Luosha shot a glance at the sword Qi behind her and smiled. "What a ruthless man. Does the old friendship mean nothing to you?"