Location Of Inheritance

After the wings of the Ice Phoenix opened, they were more than 300 meters long. It could fly 300 miles with each flap of its wings.

The Ice Phoenix Saint Body is comparable to the True Dragon Body, Zhang Ruochen thought. It's only slightly weaker than the True God Body. The phoenix race is also known for speed. With Lingxi's current speed, she can escape even if she meets a first step Saint King.

They chased after the Ice Phoenix's projection for a long time.

Gradually, thick Honghua Vines appeared before them. They interwove in the air, both like seven-colored trees and like a colorful net.

"It's getting stronger," Mu Lingxi said. "We must be close to the Ice Fire Phoenix's land of inheritance."



A ball of fire rushed out of the Honghua Vines, hitting the Ice Phoenix projection in the air.

The phoenix cried out and fell from the sky with a thud.

The light shining from the projection had dimmed quite a lot.