Formation Saint Master


A large amount of Holy Qi spewed out of the underground saintly meridian of Mount Yuanxu Sacred Land. It shot through the air and connected with the sky. Everywhere that the Holy Qi passed by, the formation runes would be activated, shining with brilliant light.

A moment later, nine layers of white clouds shrouded the Mount Yuanxu Sacred Land. It was like a nine-story tower falling to the ground and looked very magnificent.

"Nine-Level Cloud Tower Formation."

"The Mount Yuanxu Sacred Land actually has a formation saint master who laid down a grade eight formation. Who is this formation master? If he can give me pointers, I'll definitely improve greatly in formations."

The cultivators outside the sacred land were all discussing this, finding it incredible.

After all, only someone who could lay down a grade eight formation could be known as a "formation saint master."

Each formation saint master had a respected status.