Mysteries of Truth

So powerful, Zhang Ruochen thought. I won't be able to defeat him without using the Rules of Truth.

The Silver Armor Saint General was expressionless. Releasing a loud roar, balls of silver fire emerged out of his body and formed a huge whirlpool along with his fists.

The Truth Boat underfoot broke free from Zhang Ruochen's control and was swept into the whirlpool.

He remained calm even when facing this danger. He entered the whirlpool with the Truth Boat, but his eyes were studying the Silver Armor Saint General, observing his every move.


Two fiery fists the size of mountains passed through the whirlpool and landed on Zhang Ruochen's head. They covered him like two gray clouds.

"Dragon Nine Skies."

Hot yang Qi poured out of Zhang Ruochen's body.

Then he performed the tenth palm of the Dragon and Elephant Prajna Palm. His body transformed into a glittering golden dragon and flew upward.