Killing A Fifth Step Saint King 

The human who stopped Shang Feng was Zhang Ruochen, naturally.

Shang Feng was very confused. He couldn't help but look down at the hallucination flower in his hand and back up. "The hallucination flower's mirage can fool a seventh step Saint King. How can you see me? How could you discover me?"

Zhang Ruochen held the Abyss Ancient Sword in one hand and the Emperor Yi Bone Staff in the other. "No matter how strong your hallucination is, you're still in the space," he said nonchalantly.


Shang Feng released his Spiritual Power to check around him. After confirming there were no other cultivators, he let out a laugh. "You really are Zhang Ruochen, ha. If you hide in Hundred Flower Palace, you might be able to live a few more days. Why did you come out to die?"
