All the Devils

Ji Fanxin gave an ambiguous answer. She said apathetically, "You're a priest chosen by Moon Goddess. It's your duty to fight Yin and Yang Palace, but…"

"But what?" asked Zhang Ruochen.

Ji Fanxin said, "Even without that sinister power, it's almost impossible for you to conquer Yin and Yang Palace by yourself."

Zhang Ruochen was indeed confident, but he wasn't arrogant. He asked humbly, "Can I ask you a question? Who are the evil beings in Yin and Yang Palace?"

"I can just tell you. You can estimate them yourself."

Ji Fanxi started to talk. "If you go attack Yin and Yang Palace, 'All Lives Equal' will definitely be enacted. The biggest threat to you are the saint-king great beings and the young talents on the 'Saints Merits Rank.'

"Let me tell you about the saint-king great beings first.