
Half an hour ago.

Because of an important being's coming, all the evil beings in Yin and Yang Palace stopped comprehending the pictures of the Way of Truth or stopped doing whatever they were doing, heading toward the most towering Senwei Palace.

There were hundreds of great beings gathering in Senwei Palace.

The weakest ones were absolute saints, and some were powerful saint kings who represented the best of their large fields. They were all wild and intractable, but now, they were all sitting in their seats, behaving themselves.

The leaders of Yin and Yang Palace, 'Queen Lian' and 'King Flame,' the leader of Black Demon Field, 'Qiong Ling' and the leader of Thousand Devil Field, 'Xie Cheng,' sat in the main seats. Above them sat a silver-haired man wearing three-colored armor.

That man looked twenty years old, wearing a three-feather crimson hat, looking regal, contrary to the hostile evil beings in the palace.