Repay Debt with Blood

The Heavenly Assassination Organization was despicable, but they only killed after taking money. The more disgusting ones were Shang Ziyan and the Evil Way cultivator who was setting up formations inside the heads.

Zhang Ruochen just wanted to take out their tendons and drink their blood.

The demons could all sense the saintly might crashing within Zhang Ruochen and the fury that could burn the world up.

Suddenly, a shadow flew out of the group of demons. It was so fast that even some Absolute Saints couldn't see it clearly.

It was an Evil Way Saint King. He wanted to sneakily injure Zhang Ruochen before he could activate the equality.

"Zhang Ruochen, I was the one who set up the formation, but I'm afraid you're not strong enough to drink my blood."

A deep voice rang out.

Zhang Ruochen sensed the incoming evil Qi but didn't move at all. It was like he didn't have time to block it.