Three Assassination Organizations

And then, Zhang Ruochen and Queen Danling talked about Heavenly Kill Organization and 'Heavenly King Assassin Rank,' which informed him of the assassin world in Heaven World.

"Three of the most powerful assassin organizations in Heaven World, Heavenly Kill Organization, Earthly Kill Organization, and God of Death Palace.

 "Heavenly Kill Organization is the oldest one with the greatest inheritance, and it's the most powerful one too. It even assassinated a God in history, which solidified its status.

"Earthly Kill Organization is a new organization, and it was founded after Heaven World came into being. It dates back to tens of thousands of years ago.

"It was said that the founder of Earthly Kill Organization was the best assassin in Heavenly Kill Organization. He's called 'Thousand Row One Column.''Thousand Row'' means all the tens of thousands of corpses on the ground, and 'One Column' means him, stepping on all the bodies.