Way of the Void?

The fourth level was still ten miles wide.


On the sea, the windstorm created various tornadoes connecting to the sky. Below, the sea was swept into vortexes, making the waves angry and dangerous.

Not only did Zhang Ruochen use Spiritual Power, he also released all his Holy Qi to wrap around the boat. Finally, he steadied the violently-shaking Truth Boat.

As expected, I received another 1-10,000th of the Mysteries of Truth after crossing the third level.

He raised his head and looked into the distance with a smile. He stared at the fourth pass with even more determined eyes.

He would try his hardest to cross the fourth level.

It was much, much harder to cross the fourth level than the third. Even the Thousand Star Maiden and Feng Yan had trouble. It wasn't as easy as before.

Among them, the Thousand Star Maiden had a lead. She was already at four miles.

Feng Yan was close behind at three miles.