
The battle in the Free Trade Yard immediately became known to the monks in the God-Naming Platform, and they were all shocked.

Two strange men that came out of nowhere had killed more than ten saint kings from Heaven Field Sect, including the leader of a large field and four four-wing crimson angels.

"Where did they come from? Shang Ziyan and Gong Ziyan fought them at the same time, yet they still managed to escape them."

"Didn't you see that they used a supreme saint weapon? They must have a solid background."

"How do you think Truth Godly Palace will deal with the two strange men?"

"Not even Truth Godly Palace can do anything to those two strange men. It was the monks from Heaven Field Sect who made the first attack, and besides, Feng Yan is close friends with those two strange men. With Feng Yan's influence in Truth Godly Palace, he'll easily wash away all the 'crimes' they two committed."