True Power of the Time and Space Secret Guide

"Amazing! Amazing!" the Amazing Little Taoist said a bit proudly. "Did you forget that I'm a Psychic Sage?"

"'Psychic' means that I can see through someone's body to their soul. I can track your soul. No matter what you turn into, I can still find you.

"As for the formation runes here, they're even less advanced.

"I can even go in and out of the so-called forbidden zone that you talk about, let alone this place."

Zhang Ruochen knew that the Amazing Little Taoist had an advanced cultivation and studied some special ancient spells. In the past, he and Xiang Chunan wouldn't have been able to capture him without using the Absolute Saint weapon.

He had new knowledge of this Psychic Sage's abilities now.

"You can pick the remaining Amazing Saint Fruit, right?" Zhang Ruochen asked.

"Of course."