Multi-God Mountain, God-Naming Palace

The environment here was too similar to the depths of the forbidden zone above White Bone Hill, including the ancient Yin Qi in the air.

Zhang Ruochen grew cautious. He released his Spiritual Power and space domain, covering a few feet in radius. This stopped the Yin Qi from invading his body and guarded against some other things too.

A creature with three horns on its head pointed at the ancient mountain in the distance. "Look," it said with a quivering voice. "Is that…the legendary Multi-God Mountain? Is it the God-Naming Palace at the peak?"

There was a damaged palace at the mountaintop. It radiated with an ancient aura and soul-shocking power waves rippled from it. The top talents present all grew respectful and quiet.

The Wizard God Emperor's eyes gleamed. "The legendary God-Naming Palace is inside the folded space?" he exclaimed. "This is incredible!"