Well-rounded Saint Master

Illusion Princess was an Illusion Saint Practitioner who had reached a spiritual level of 58. The illusion that covered the entire lake was entirely made possible by her hard work over three entire months.

With both spiritual cultivation and illusionary cultivation reaching such heights as her, she was already a top-notch presence below Supreme Saints. Even if Nine-step Saint Kings met her, they would be rather worried.

Her two disciples, Xiao Qianji and Yun Bing, held a Formation ball each, maintaining the Formation.

Their spiritual levels were both 56, and they could be considered top talents in spiritual cultivation. Of course, their abilities were nothing compared to Illusion Princess herself.

"Kunlun's Field's practitioners are at most six-step Saint Kings. Mister Ziyan actually brought almost a quarter of all Saint Kings here to defend against them. He is really overestimating the enemies."