Suppress The Godly Palace


A flood of silver light showed up around five thousand feet away from the godly palace.

There was a large group of people in the silver light, and powerful saint Qi ripples surged to the sky, and they were the monks from Kunlun's Field. Most of them were seriously injured, and they'd lost their motivation, looking defeated.

However, when they realized that they'd been saved from the encirclement of the saint kings from Heaven Field, they all rejoiced like a bunch of drowning people being rescued onshore.

Everyone looked at Zhang Ruochen with veneration.

Even Sky-swallowing Demonic Dragon had to admit that Zhang Ruochen was a hero, and was rendered silent.

Zhang Ruochen had managed to save all of them in an impasse like that, facing hundreds of powerful saint kings. If they were in Zhang Ruochen's shoes, they wouldn't have shown up at all, and the best they would have done was to call for help from Truth Godly Palace.