The Gift of the Jade Swallow Pendant

Inside Xumi Dojo, the Saints of the Kunlun Realm looked at the almost divine-like Zhang Ruochen, and they had a compulsion to kneel and bow before him.

Such a thought only ever came to mind when they met Empress Chi Yao.

At that moment, the name "Zhang Ruochen" was synonymous with invincibility.

By mastering the lotus, he could sweep every foe with just the flick of his fingers.

Shang Ziyan's Three Corpses merged into one and looked at the bodies of the dead Saint Kings that littered the ground. His gaze extended to Zhang Ruochen, and suddenly, flames appeared in one eye while frost appeared in the other.

Ever since he was born, he had been the proud son of Heaven. Everything he did was perfect in comparison to any of his peers, and no one was better than him. How could he suffer such a massive defeat?

Resentment, hatred, shame... all kinds of emotions were intertwined in his heart.