Return to Mount Yueshen

The scarlet-golden dragon turned into a human figure and flew back down to the edge of Yang Lake.

The surface of his skin still had dragon scales while powerful energies flowed around his body, emitting a sharp slashing sound.

His body was like a furnace as it released terrifying heat.

"I have finally managed to cultivate the eleventh palm technique of the Dragon-Elephant Prajna Palm Strike to Dacheng Realm! This feels good, too good!"

Zhang Ruochen laughed out loud as he slowly raised his arms. The shadows of thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants appeared on either side of him, presenting an extremely imposing image.

The Yang Qi within his body was now a hundred thousand times that of an ordinary person.

If Zhang Ruochen swallowed a Saint King into his belly, he could directly refine and temper it within him.