Two Years of Closed-door Cultivation

When Zhang Ruochen was back near the imperial city of Yunwu and did not see the cultivators of the Fane of Youshen, he was a little surprised.

"The Heavenly Polars Geomantic Compass has been robbed, and even arm cut off, yet Venerable Hiddenheart doesn't come to seek revenge?" Zhang Ruochen remained alert.

In the Royal Mountain, the Saint Qi was dense, and sacred herbs with pleasant aroma grew on the cliff. There was spring water flowing in the mountain, the soil multicolored with beautiful, aurora-like optical haze rose in the air.

The deeper he went into the mountains, the more sacred it was.

A vast blanket of black ghostly air appeared. As rumble rose, a thirty-meter-tall skeleton lunged out.

The black skeleton turned into a bone staff and landed in Zhang Ruochen's hand.

The strength of the evil spirit had increased tremendously after distilling the souls of Yuan Che and others.