Pursuing Xie Canghai

In the Eastern Region Holy City, even its sea regions had a large number of inscriptions. They could contain the destructive power of a cultivator within a certain range and would prevent a city from being destroyed due to the battle between Nine-step Saint Kings.

Even so, when Xie Canghai struck his ax out, the sea region within hundreds of miles kicked up huge waves.

The blood-haired man appeared calm and stood up as he pointed upward with his slender fingers.


Thousands upon thousands of Saint Path Precepts blasted out from his finger and turned into an arc-shaped shield with a diameter spanning hundreds of meters, like a huge mushroom sprouting out in the sea.

The Xuantian Battle Ax bit into the surface of the shield ward, and a terrifying energy storm erupted.

The surrounding seawater was squeezed upward, forming a high ring-shaped mountain of water that spanned kilometers.