Life or Death—You Choose

As powerful as the Six-Tribulation Ghost Lord was, it suffered an instant death under Zhang Ruochen's sword. This struck fear in the hearts of other ghost lords.

They had high intelligence and were pragmatic. So, they dared not fight Zhang Ruochen one-on-one for fear that they would be crushed one-by-one.

"You have finally performed a Power of Time. It was awesome."

King Daxi looked calm on the surface, but deep inside, it was not as calm as she looked.

Bear in mind that subduing a ghost lord was not something easy, especially the Six-Tribulation Ghost Lord, which was definitely hard to tame. Most of them were cultivated since they were weak, and they required a lot of resources.

The death of each Six-Tribulation Ghost Lord was akin to the loss of billions of Saint Stones.