Lord Ming’s Place of Incarceration

The headless body of Baihuan Shenzi dropped to the ground with a loud bang.

Zhang Ruochen retrieved the Azuresky Pagoda and took out the Spring of Life, dripping a drop on Shi Ren's head.

As a Light of Life engulfed Shi Ren's body, his injury rapidly recovered.

Following immediately, Zhang Ruochen walked toward Bao Lie and Bao Xinghun. "Xinghun is badly wounded. My Spring of Life could help him recover rapidly."

Boa Lie did not decline Zhang Ruochen's kindness. "An Ancient Abyssal Blade isn't enough to prove who you are."

Zhang Ruochen knew what Bao Lie meant, and he nodded lightly. Coming up beside Bao Xinghun, he dropped a drop of Spring of Life on Bao Xinghun's body, then took out the Eight-Dragon Umbrella and Nine-Dragon Carriage.