Danger Index Level 10


White Bone Mountain was stopped and crushed as numerous Saint Bones were torn apart.

"Ahh... my White Bone Mountain..."

The Nine-eye Heavenly Lord spat out a mouthful of blood, feeling both fury and sadness at the same time.

White Bone Mountain was severely damaged, and he had no idea how much effort it would take to repair it. The loss was just too great.

After breaking White Bone Mountain, the Azuresky Pagoda gradually calmed down as the power it had roused had been exhausted.

Zhang Ruochen looked slightly pale, as he called back the Azuresky Pagoda and held it in his hand.

That blow earlier had used up too much of his Saint Qi. If it had been someone else, that person would have collapsed long ago.

Of course, he had immediately consumed a sacred pill. He was in battle right now, and he could not fall.