Grim Situation

The Merit Exchange Hall became extremely quiet, so much so that even a needle drop was audible as everyone focused their eyes on Zhang Ruochen. Time and space seemed to stand still during this moment.

"Only 3.5 billion merit points. Compared to those in the front, the gap is really big."

Zhang Ruochen sighed and shook his head, not satisfied with the current merit points he had.

The Celestial Court's Saint King Merit List had a total of 183,673 people on the list. The four dominant worlds alongside the top hundred worlds accounted for most of the names on the list, with few people from other worlds.

For example, before Zhang Ruochen, there was only a single person from the Guanghan Realm on the list. Also, that person's ranking had not been that high, and the Guanghan Realm's power had already been exhausted.