The Dark Manifestation of the Divine Will

The evil air of death poured out of the Blackflame General's body into the Shadow of Death, which became more and more solidified as if the actual god of death was coming to this cave.

The Shadow of Death reached out a hand, triggering a massive Will of Death to clash with the Azuresky Pagoda head-on.

The Azuresky Pagoda rapidly spun to release beams of Supreme Power. There were vague signs of the dimension being ripped open.

However, it did not annihilate the Shadow of Death's hand, just blocked its advancement.

The Shadow of Death reached out another hand, and a bracelet glowing in a mysterious light flew out.

This bracelet had twelve beads on it. Each bead was engraved in complex patterns as if it possessed some mysterious power.

However, only three beads were solid while the others were in an insubstantial state as if they had not formed completely.