One Blade Wrecking a Ghost City

Back in Qianshui Royal City, at the Thirteenth Merit Sub-Terminal.

Compared with its state in the past, this place was many times more prosperous now, and one could see Saints, as well as Saint Kings, frequently.

As it was New Year's Eve, the city was brightly lit with lanterns and festoons. It looked particularly festive and lively.

Carrying his iron sword, Le walked out of the sub-terminal and appeared on the streets of the royal city.

After receiving Zhang Ruochen's communication talisman, Le immediately set off and rushed over as quickly as he could.

On a three-story pavilion near the sub-terminal, one of the three candidates in the running for Lady of the Fane of Destiny, Pan Ruo, was sitting alone by the window in a private room. Her eyes were locked on Le as a strange glint flashed in her eyes.


Le seemed to detect something, as he turned around and looked at the pavilion to the side.