All That Matters Is Speed

Many people got chills just by looking at the "blue starry sky" inside the tree trunk. They retreated from the Null Dimension as it was a second too long to stay.

However, there were still many people who found the Divine Sky-Connecting Tree too hard to resist and stayed. After all, high risks came with high rewards.

Those who chose to go were very restrained. They did not fight with each other but kept an eye on their surroundings.

Inside the Null Dimension, forces from sides used their own ways to get near to the trunk of the Divine Sky-Connecting Tree.

Amid a series of strange noises, a blanket of blue lights flew out of the trunk of the Divine Sky-Connecting Tree. The dotted lights looked as beautiful as the stars.

As Pan Ruo had said, the God-Eater Bugs were not affected by the Null Dimension. Their flying speed made a stark contrast with the snail pace of the Celestial Court and Deathkin cultivators.
