None of You Can Escape

Zhang Ruochen was still alive; that was certain. The reason was that the Imperial Purple Qi above Shengming City had yet to dissipate. 

As such, Feng Gudao and the others all went on high alert as they looked around, trying to locate Zhang Ruochen. 

Baaaaaam!!! Baaaaaaam!!!

At the bottom of the pit, the pile of hard rocks shattered as a figure emerged from the ground, bloodied. If it was not Zhang Ruochen, who else would it be? 

The Nine-step Saint King's self-destruction had been too sudden, and it had totally caught Zhang Ruochen off guard as the terrifying force blasted him and sent him crashing deep into the ground. 

Even with the defensive power of the Meritorious Armor of Flowing Light, and the Divine Mark engraved by Yueshen, Zhang Ruochen still suffered heavy injuries as he was bruised all over. His neck was wounded with blood gushing out, while his head was almost separated from his body.