A Mysterious Man

Seeing Zhang Ruochen constantly attack the elites on his side and render any counterattack useless, even Feng Gudao, Zi Linglong, Chi Sheng, and Gu Tianyin could not remain calm. 

"Zhang Ruochen, if you have the ability, fight me fair and square," Chi Sheng roared. 

Seeing his own allies being reduced to become nourishment for the Saint Devourer, Chi Sheng was almost driven mad. If he was going to die, he would never want to die like that. 

Zhang Ruochen turned his head and looked at Chi Sheng as he icily spat, "What right do you lot have to talk to me about being fair and square?"

Feng Gudao wore a grim look and said, "Zhang Ruochen, don't you want to know where Shang Ziyan is? I'll tell you right now, he has gone to the Peacock Manor."

Hearing this, Zhang Ruochen's expression changed slightly. How could he not know what Shang Ziyan was up to? 

Feng Gudao continued, "In addition, Shang Ziyan has captured Chi Kunlun."