
Shang Ziyan's eyes were locked onto Zhang Ruochen, his eyes could not help to be a little gloomier. 

The disquiet and faint unease he had felt earlier had actually came true. Something wrong had happened in Shengming City. 

Even he could not understand what actually went wrong. With the forces he had deployed in Shengming City, how could Zhang Ruochen even get out? 

At this moment, when Zhang Ruochen asked for Chi Kunlun, that made Shang Ziyan even more pissed off. It was because of Chi Kunlun that he was wounded by a Yanluo-cnal elite, and had his top-level Meritorious Armor of Flowing Light snatched away, and he was still nursing a massive rage in his heart. 

All other powerhouses of the Heavenly Realm faction all frowned, Zhang Ruochen's appearance in the Peacock Manor had indeed surprised everyone.