The Turning Point

A terrifying flame shot out of Shang Ziyan's finger, transforming into a fire dragon as it howled and charged at Zhang Ruochen. 

Seeing the fire dragon charhing at him, Zhang Ruochen did not dodge, as if he could not move because of his injuries. 

"A pity, Zhang Ruochen had managed to withstand that earlier attack, but he still cannot escape his doom."

Many of the spectating cultivators could not help but to shake their heads. 

Just when many thought that Zhang Ruochen would undoubtedly die as he gets ripped apart by the fire dragon, Zhang Ruochen finally made his move. 

Zhang Ruochen held his finger out like a sword blade, as a razor sharp sword light emerged from his fingertips. 


A brutal sword light shot out from Zhang Ruochen's fingertips. 


The charging dragon was instantly cut into half by the sword light as its entire body shattered, reduced to embers before finally dying out.