Shameless Betrayal

"It was strange that the old bald donkey Xumi would choose a kid with the Immortal Vampire bloodline as his successor. I really don't know what was in his mind," said Blackie with his lips curled up.

Zhang Ruochen turned his head and stared at Blackie. "You seem to be keeping a lot of things from me. Now it's time to explain everything."

"Err… I suddenly remember I have something on. I will make a move now." Blackie's eyes flashed as it flapped its wings, trying to get away.

It kicked itself in the head for talking too much, no difference from digging its own grave.

Zhang Ruochen had seen it coming. With the wave of his hand, he froze the space around Blackie, immobilizing it in midair.

"I know all you trick left and right. It's not gonna work on me. Now, tell me everything. Or else, don't think about going anywhere." Zhang Ruochen said with a serious face.