Something Big Happens in the Sect

Du Mosheng looked down at Xingluo City, his eyes full of despisement. Everyone in Xingluo City was akin to an ant in his eyes.

He poked out his tongue and gently licked his lips. "My demonic technique will get a further boost if I can drink the blood of everyone in this city," he whispered.

The key to practice the Demonic God Devourer Portrait was to drink the blood of living beings. The more he drank, the more powerful his demonic technique would be.

Du Mosheng's cultivation base had been stuck at the pinnacle of the Precept Domain for a long time. He was accumulating his strength to overcome the bottleneck and attain the realm of Heaven's Reach.

His cultivation base might still be in the Precept Domain, but his actual strength was not any weaker than some Heaven's Reach powerhouses.

"First thing first; I will get rid of the two Saint Kings from the Sect of the Blood God." Du Mosheng cast his eyes on the Saint King Que Palace.